We are the Poggemiller Family:
Dwight, Melissa, Luke, David, Lydia, and Annalis
serving Jesus in Romania since 2001.
In serving in Romania and as Leader of our Training and Development Team with GEM, our desire is to see disciples multiplied, resulting in church planting movements among all peoples of Central/Eastern Europe and beyond. With this main focus in mind, we personally have identified:

The preparation
of leaders and workers


Passion for mission (disciples
multiplied and workers sent
out to the ends of the earth)
The Lord has called our whole family, in partnership with Greater Europe Mission, to serve the Romanian church and make/train Romanian (and any European) disciples and disciple-makers for Christ.
Photo gallery

Family Fall (2022): Annalis, Lydia, Dwight, Melissa Luke David

Family Getting Supplies for Syrian Refugees (2021)